Laurel TheaterKnoxville, TN, United States Laurel TheaterKnoxville, TN, United States Laurel TheaterKnoxville, TN, United States

56th Jubilee Festival

By Jubilee Community Arts (other events)

3 Dates Through Mar 09, 2025

Lineup (subject to change):

Friday (6-10)
Epworth Old Harp Singers (shape note singing, local)
Lincoln Park String Band (old time, local)
Gladson Family Band (old time and bluegrass, East Tennessee)
Kindred Valley (folk, West Virginia)
Newfound Gap (olld time, North Carolina)
UT Appalachian Strings (bluegrass, Local)
Count This Penny (folk, Local)

Saturday (6-10)
Tennessee Stifflegs (honky tonk, Local)
Saro Lynch-Thomason (ballads, North Carolina)
Blakeley Burger and Nadia Ramlagan (old Time, Kentucky)
Joseph Allred (folk, East Tennessee)
Y'uns (jug band, local)
William Ritter (ballads, North Carolina) 
John Haywood and Leo Shannon (old time, Kentucky)
Mumbillies with Square Dance (old time, local)

Sunday (2-5)
Russell Walker Band (honky tonk, local)
Beau Cheval (Cajun, Louisiana)